Press center


25 May 2017



The principle of dividing the city into zones with restrictions on formats is preserved, the number of zones is 5.

  • 0th, forbidden: practically has not changed, some areas and sections of streets have been added. There is minimum influence on possibility of placing.
  • 1st - city-format: increased by 5 times, expanded almost to the borders of the previous 2nd zone.
  • 2nd - up to 8 square meters: the boundaries are moved farther from the center in proportion to the expansion of the 1st zone. Directed streets: Naberezhna highway, O. Teligi str., Chokolivsky Boulevard, Valery Lobanovsky Avenue, Druzhby Narodiv Boulevard.
  • 3rd - up to 32 square meters: 80% of the city territory.
  • 4th - over 36 square meters: has changed a little, the circular road and the inland highways have been left. Directed streets - M. Bazhana Avenue, S. Bandera Avenue, Stolichne highway.


  • The possibility of placement on ground structures in almost all areas of the city is preserved.
  • Significant zone sizes in combination with the effect of zonal mono-formatting (see below) make it mandatory to use all 3 formats of advertising media in the coverage programs.


The principle of the minimum distance between structures is preserved, but the way of its application has changed in principle. If earlier the distances between the same structures along the same side of the street were regulated, now around each structure a guard zone is introduced in the form of a circle of a certain radius. Such protection zones should not overlap in all cases: for different formats, different sides of the street, perpendicular streets, etc.

The actual minimum distances have changed insignificantly: for shields 3x6 m, the requirement of 100 m has been preserved, for scrolls it has increased from 50 to 70 m, for city lights it has decreased from 50 to 40 m.


  • In fact, the city has introduced a restriction on the number of advertising structures: there cannot be more constructions placed on each street than theoretically placed circles of a certain radius; the maximum possible number of inventory for different streets is from 30 to 70% of the number of currently standing advertising structures.
  • Clutter is completely excluded.
  • There is a mono-format effect: the growth of minimum distances from zone to zone (40/70/100/150 m) is slower than the growth of the maximum permitted advertising space (2,16 / 8/32/75 sq. m.) - Reducing the number of structures will force operators to place the maximum possible format in each zone. For zone 2 this for sure become the rule; for the 3rd a combination of 4x8 format (maximum permitted) is possible for all major city highways and 3x6 format for streets with less traffic.


All theoretically possible methods of outdoor advertising are listed and the corresponding permitted types of structures and methods of their installation are described.

For the basic type - a billboard - unjustified restrictions on different formats, constructive solutions, etc. are left. Only the limitations of the maximum area of ​​the advertising field are left: 8, 32, 75 square meters in accordance with the formatted zones.

The separation of types of structures by the methods of image change is removed: now the use of different technologies will not require the re-registration of permits.

Advertising on the facades and roofs of buildings: removed the limitation of the maximum size of the formatted zones (previously it operated and actually made the placement impossible). It is allowed to place in the 1st and 0th (!) format zones on emergency buildings and on any buildings - in other areas. The only significant restriction is the prohibition to block windows in residential and office buildings.

There is a ban on placing any types of structures on street lighting supports, including overhead banners and holders.

Limitations on the sizes and types of advertising signs are introduced.


  • Reducing the number of structures will be accompanied by the introduction of new more expensive and effective advertising media.
  • Banner advertising can take a significant share in advertising budgets.
  • Significantly reduce the information noise (signs, overhead banners, holders, etc.) and increase the effectiveness of each advertising plane.


It have been introduced 10-meter security zones around pedestrian crossings, public transport stops, intersections. These standards are a reasonable compromise between the desire to establish the most effective carrier and the requirements for road safety. The peculiarity of the introduced norms is unambiguous interpretation and measurement methods.

The most significant restriction in the new Concept is the prohibition of the installation of structures at transport interchanges. The definition of a traffic junction zone and a ban on the installation of structures closer than 20 m from such a zone is introduced. In practice, this will lead to the disappearance of a significant part of the inventory, as a rule of large format, and looks like a cardinal measure, applied taking into account the apparent over-saturation with the designs of traffic interchanges today.


The concept does not contain a mandatory implementation method but involves the development of comprehensive schemes for placing structures for all city streets as the main direction of reform. Thus, simultaneously with the adoption of the new Concept, the Kyiv City Council adopted such important decisions:

  • All received permits will be valid until the expiration of their validity period.
  • By the end of 2017 schemes for structures placing for the entire city should be developed.
  • The development of schemes will be carried out jointly by the city and business within the framework of a specially created working group.

  In locating designs on the basis of schemes are interested both the city (limitation of quantity, modern design of constructions, etc.) and market participants (the systemic location, the maximum density of installation of the structures in concerted actions).

  We can assume that the implementation of the Concept will last for 1.5-2 years, will be phased and predictable.