Out-of-home advertising — advertising that is placed on special temporary and fixed carriers located in an open area, as well as on the external surfaces of buildings, structures, street furniture, above the roadway of the streets and roads..
Social advertising — information of any kind and disseminated in any form, aimed at the achievement of public goals, the promotion of universal values, the distribution of which is not intended for profit.
Political advertising — advertising aimed at changing the political behavior of society or part of it in terms of political choice.
Unfair advertising — advertising that misleads or may mislead the consumers of advertising, to cause harm to persons, the state or society as a result of inaccuracy, unreliability, ambiguity, exaggeration, reticence, violation of the requirements regarding time, place and manner of distribution.
OTS (Opportunity-to-Sea) — the number of potential contacts of advertising messages, the calculation of which takes into account the factors visibility of the advertising surfaces.
GRP (Gross Rating Point) — a percentage ratio of number of potential contacts of advertising surfaces, the calculation of which takes into account the factor of visibility of this advertising surface (OTS), to the target audience of OOH advertising (18+) for a particular city.